Applying a Qualifications Matrix
Go to Employees on the left navigation menu and locate the employee you want to add the matrix to. Select the Qualifications tab and then click on Requirements Matrices.
You will now be on the Matrices page, from here you can see any other Matrices that have been applied to the employee. To add a new Matrix click Assign Requirement Matrix.
The Assign Requirement Matrix box will display, you can now choose the required Matrix and then press Assign.
You can also select the Override Reviewing Manager/Approving manager if they are different to the one defined in the matrix.
Once the matrix has been assigned you will see this in the Requirement Matrices.
To see the qualifications that require awarding, select the Qualifications tab and then Manage. You will now see all qualifications assigned to the employee.
*Note* Any existing awarded qualifications that are in the matrix will automatically link.