Creating a Qualifications Matrix

A qualifications matrix is a group of qualifications that can be assigned to employees.  A risk alert will show if an employee is missing a qualification from the matrix.

To create a matrix, using the left navigation menu go to Requirement Matrices and then select Create Requirements Matrix.

A Details tab will display, from here you will need to enter the following information;

*Note* Sections with a red asterisk * is a mandatory field and requires information.

Label - The name of the matrix.
Description - You can enter a description of the matrix.
Reviewing manager - This is the person responsible for reviewing the matrix.
Approving manager - This will be the person who can approve the matrix and override a missing qualification and must be different to the Reviewing Manager.
Recognition - This will be what the matrix will recognise, either a qualification or certification.

*Note* For this example the Matrix will be called Induction. 

Once you have chosen the Recognition a new dropdown box Recognises will appear, for this example select Employees then Add Section will appear next, click the button.

A new field will show where you can now have one section with a list of required qualifications or create multiple sections and group the qualifications. IE; H&S, Vehicle, Breathing Apparatus.

*Note* Label and Description are not mandatory

Label - Title of the section (For this example we have named it Induction Week One).
Description - A description for that section.
Qualification list - A drop down menu with the qualifications you can select.

Tip - While holding the Ctrl button you can click multiple qualifications to add to the matrix.