Folder Hiding and Unhiding

Hiding a folder in Cross Network Information, Schemes and Work Orders can safely and securely hide folders from those who do not require access.

Hiding and Unhiding a folder is driven by permissions, permissions are requested and verified by senior management before applying to a user. 

When a Folder is Hidden, it can only be viewed by those with the relevant permissions.

*Note* the following example shown applies to Work Orders but the same directions apply to Scheme and Work Order folders.

Hiding a Folder

Find the folder that you wish to be locked and select the menu button and choose Hide.

You will be asked to confirm you wish to hide the selected folder

Once confirmed it will show a hidden symbol next to the folder.

Anyone without the permission will not see the folder, as seen below.

Unhide a Folder

Find the folder that you wish to be unlocked and select the menu button and choose Unhide.

You will be asked to confirm you wish to unhide the selected folder.

You will now see the hidden symbol has been removed and anyone who the folder was hidden from, will now see the folder.