Folder Locking and Unlocking

Folder Locking

Locking a folder in Cross Network Information, Schemes and Work Orders can safety and securely Lock folders that have been finalised to ensure compliance is met

Locking and Unlocking a folder is driven by permissions, permissions are requested and verified by senior management before applying to a user. 

When a Folder is Locked the following will apply

  • Main Folders will be locked
  • Any sub-folder within a locked folder will be locked
  • No documents can uploaded either to a locked folder or any sub-folders with a locked folder
  • Documents can still be viewed and downloaded from a locked folder 
  • To add further information into a folder a user must request a folder to be unlocked from a user with the Unlock Folder permission 

A user with a Lock Folder permission can lock a folder by following the below 

*Note* the following example shown applies to Cross Network Info but the same directions apply to Scheme and Work Order folders

Locking a Folder

Find the folder that you wish to be locked and select the menu button

You will be asked to confirm you wish to lock the selected folder, once confirmed it will show a lock next to the folder and all subfolders inside of this, you will also note that the upload documents box is gone 

Unlocking a Folder

Find the folder that you wish to be unlocked and select the menu button

You will be asked to confirm you wish to unlock the selected folder