Form Submission (Mobile App)

To begin completing a form, log into the app. We now need to find a scheme. Use the ‘Search by full Scheme No’ field, on the app homepage, to search for a scheme that you are working on. Note that this search requires the full scheme number, for example EMGA123456. As you find schemes, they are saved in your homepage list.

You can also view a full list of available schemes using the scheme icon.

*NOTE* If this is the first time logging into the app it may take a few minutes for all the schemes to load.

Scroll through the schemes or use the search bar at the top to locate the required Scheme.

Once you have chosen your scheme, you can select the site you will be working on.

You can see further information about the site. To view the list of available forms, select the Forms button.

Select which form you would like to complete from the list.

Once you are in the form you can complete the required details and select Next to move to the next page

If there are any mandatory fields that are missing information, the form will not move to the next section but will highlight in red the questions that require completion.

Alternatively selecting the menu (three lines) button on the left will show you the sections of the form. From there you can jump to the section you wish to work on.

If you have started a form, but need to complete it later this can be saved by selecting the ‘X’ in the top right corner.  The form will then be saved into your In Progress list on the app.

If you have started a form and want to return to it, you will need to go back to the app home page. Select the In Progress button.

You will see all forms that are currently pending in the In Progress list, just click on the form you wish to continue.

Once you are ready to submit your form, select the arrow in the top right and choose Submit.

If you choose Draft (or Pending), this will submit the form with the Draft (or Pending) status. Once submitted successfully, the form is no longer available in the app and becomes available to view and update in the Ctrl Hub web browser platform.

Once you have submitted a form you will see the below message confirming the form was submitted.

Editing a submitted form (Web only)

Once a form has been submitted, it is available only in the Ctrl Hub web browser platform.

From the Ctrl Hub web platform, where you have the necessary permissions, you can open a submitted form (a submission) to continue to edit, then re-submit.

Forms – Disconnected / Offline Use

If your mobile device is offline (ie does not have a data connection), you can continue to create, save, re-open, edit and re-save forms from your In Progress list.

These forms are saved on your mobile device and are available whether online or offline.

Once submitted, forms synchronise with the master Ctrl Hub database.  If you submit a form whilst offline, the mobile app will keep it in the In Progress list until you are back online.  Once online, the app will sync any submitted forms to the Ctrl Hub master database. The submitted form is then available in the Ctrl Hub web browser platform.