Allocating a User to the Resource Pool
Within any Ctrl Hub system users will be moved from Network to Network or LDP to LDP
To ensure no duplication of accounts and easy visibility of users when are moving between areas Cadent Ctrl Hub has a Resource Pool
This is accessible to all levels of users with the relevant permission base on Ctrl Hub to assign employees no longer within their company or to take employees out of the resource pool when they start work with you.
All qualifications and history of the individuals account will stay with them when they are allocated to a new Organisation
Allocating a User to the Resource pool from you Organisation
Ariel Employee has left your Organisation and needs to be added to the Resource Pool for another Network or LDP to assign to their Organisation
To do this you need to search for the employee you wish to move using the search bar and selecting Employee in Select Option
Once located select the employees name in blue in the search results, This will take you to the employees user account
Select Update in the Users details
You will be presented with a form. Select the first box named Organisation and start tying Resource.
This will show you the selection of Resource Pool. Along side this the users role must be changed to Resource Pool and Is Unlocked to be unticked
Select Update User
The employee is now assigned to the Resource Pool and no longer assigned to your Organisation