Downloading a QR Code
Users are allocated a unique QR code which allows access based on your permission to the users Qualifications to verify the required Qualifications are met to continue their job and Log an employee on/off to site
To download an individual's QR code to apply to the site cards follow the instructions below.
On the left hand Navigation menu go to the Employees tab.
You can either scroll through the employee list or use the filter search function.
If using the filter, type in the full or part of the employee name and press Enter or click Filter.
For this example we will use Ariel Employee as our employee.
Now we have located the chosen employee, click into their profile and then click on the dropdown menu as shown below, from here click on Download Employee QR Code.
Once you have clicked on Download Employee QR Code, this will download a PNG file.
This can now be assigned and imprinted to the employee's ID badge.