Guide to Completing: CG018 - Service Details
Project Details
Select the Scheme and Street relevant to the works being carried out. Upon entering the Property number ensure you select if the property is Relay or Transfer, the Address field will automatically fill with the address. If applicable, please enter the NRSWA Notice Reference.
If the property is not in the drop-down list, CG033 Property Required form will have to be completed.
Then enter the Work Type, and the meter specification from the address you are visiting.
- If the meter selected identified as ‘No Gas’, ‘Service Disconnection’ or ‘Information Only’, you will only then have to write comments as to the situation, and then submit the form.
- If the meter selected is ‘<U16, Domestic’ or ‘=> U16, Non-Domestic’, then the user answers the relevant questions regarding the meter and the gas supply.
When selecting ‘Relay’ from Relay or Transfer, you will then be asked whether the job is a Full or a Part relay. When selecting ‘Transfer’, the user will be asked whether this is Transfer, Live Transfer or Transfer Following Relay.
Then specify the material type for the mains supplying the service.
Pipe Details
For the pipe details, when you enter the material of the pipe and diameter, the SDR will automatically be calculated for the user.
Similarly, when you fill out the length & method laid sections, the cut off status will be entered automatically.
This section is numbered (see blue box, top left), which helps keep track of additional pipes.
The length cutback (m) can be added if applicable but is not mandatory.
Please then specify if the pipe has had to be protected in any way. The rest of the details can then be filled regarding the extra details of the pipe. Service Depth of Cover is always taken in millimetres.If using more than one material of pipe, more than one method of lay, or is a different diameter, then an additional section may be added to include more pipe details separate to the first section of this primary property using the Blue + button at the end of the Add Pipe Details section
X & Y
If the user clicks on the map icon, they will be asked to give the site permission to access location data. This will then open Google Maps, which will drop a pin to within 3 metres of the user’s location, but the user can move the pin if needed. Clicking OK enters the coordinates of the pin.
*Note* - When using maps these will state Eastings and Northings on the form
Tip - If the map on your device is a bit off, you can search for the address in the search bar (blue box, bottom left).
Termination Details
Tip - Remember to save to draft, to save progress so far
The first question asks for the number of meters being worked with for the property. This choice changes some of the options in the section.
If only working with one meter, the user can specify its location, and box type, as well as the entry point to the property, whether there is a road crossing, and dual service indicator should be ‘none’.
If you cannot find a close enough option in ‘Meter Location’, some of the options in ‘Meter Box Type’ help to broaden the range of answers (e.g. service head adaptor is ‘House Entry – Inserted’).
If working with two meters, the dual service indicator will need to be either left or right. Dual Service Indicator is the location of the meter compared to Dual Property e.g., Property on the Left whilst facing from main connection. In the case of two meters, the meter attached to the property is the primary meter to be specified, and the secondary meter will either be to the right or left of the primary meter. If right, ‘Dual Service Indicator’ should be selected as such, and vice versa.
If working on 2 meters, the form will expand to include a Dual Job Card (see end of article), and to then submit similar sections for the second meter as well as the first.
Usually, you will not have to select ‘More than 2’ meters, as more than two properties is a main. You will need to add the pipework to a Mains Test and treat each meter as an individual service test.
The MOBs operative is to fill out the same information as for 2 meters, but then also include whether this is supplied by Raiser/Rail and how many properties the service feeds into.
If you have more than 2 meters then the user should give the specification of the riser/rail as well in the underneath section.
When the riser/rail feeds into multiple properties, this is when each would be chosen and added individually to give the correct scope. This would be done be filling out the fields, giving the property number, material of service, diameter, length and SDR (similarly to the pipe details, the materials, diameter, and length feed into the form and give the user the SDR).
Tip - Remember to save to draft, to save progress so far.
Test 100mbar
To begin the test, the user must upload a photograph of the meter setup prior to testing. For help on the setup specifications, it is written at the top of this section. Clicking the timestamp below this field gives the form a set time that the operative setup the service test.
After choosing the test type and the starting pressure, the operative should upload a photograph of their gauge as evidence of the starting pressure recorded and begin the test.
Pressing start begins the timer for the service test. The test must run for at least 5 minutes.
Remember to save to draft, to save progress so far.
The ideal conditions for a test would be above 100mbar, and the condition for a successful test is that the pressure must not change during the testing period.
The form will prompt you to meet the minimum required 5 minutes and show you a countdown timer from 5:00 to 0:00, it then turns green and begins counting up after the countdown reaches 0.
If you press ‘End’ too early, the test will fail. The form will then only allow you to choose ‘Fail’ from the pass/fail drop-down menu.
If the test is failed, the only way to continue testing is to restart the test. To restart the test, click the blue plus icon to open an additional test section identical to the previous one.
Once you have tested the pressure for 5 minutes, if the end pressure is different from the starting pressure, then the test has failed.
If the operative has tested for 5 minutes and has no permissible loss in pressure, then the test has been successful. After entering the end pressure and attaching a photograph of the operative’s gauge as evidence, this section is then finished, and the operative can select ‘Pass’.
Tip - Remember to save to draft, to save progress so far.
You cannot fill out all the information needed about the supply interruption until the test has been entirely completed.Once the test is completed, the operative can enter the supply interruption information; the time (and date if relevant) that the operative turned the gas off, and when it was turned back on. By moving Confirm Supply Interruption has Finished to Yes this will calculate the time between Gass off & Gas on.
Note - the Gas Off time cannot be before gas on time as this will not allow you to save the form
If any private reinstatement has gone ahead or is needed, the details need to be specified in this section. Private reinstatement being captured is essential for GSOP 2 and to register the start of the process. This is current defaulted to Yes.
Generally, operatives completing the Service Details form will not be completing private reinstatement, and this section is to aid back-office to supply the information needed for reinstatement. However, private reinstatement can sometimes be used to cover an operative even if they are not completely reinstating the holes dug.
Tip - See end of article for Appendix 2.0, which shows reinstatement material examples.
If the reinstatement has already been completed, please choose no and then fill out the relevant fields. If the reinstatement is not permanent, whether backfill was required, etc.
The excavation type and location are important for operatives, as it is a way to ensure a log of all work done or to be done that may affect the public. This is also why the operative must attach photographs, it is a great way to show that the property was left in good order.
If you have tried to reinstate a flowerbed yourself during works, taking photographs and adding comments about any issues like this again does a lot to prove the operative has completed the work. This is a good use of the repeatable section; submitting with the information for future reinstatement, and the section also repeated to discuss any minor works that a customer may complain about.
The excavation length, width and depth are then specified, as well as the material used for the reinstatement. If the operative has had to use more than one material, or has dug multiple holes, they can click the blue plus icon to add more sections to cover other materials/holes.
The list of materials in question is extensive, but in the case that the property has specialist materials not covered, a good course of action would be to pick the closest option, take photographs, and write comments about how it differs. This means that even if an operative is in the field and does not recognise a material, the back-office team can edit this later with more data at hand to identify it.Tip - Remember to save to draft, to save progress so far.
Alternative Cooking / HeatingIf the operative has left any means of food/heating to the public affected by the gas interruption, please specify and the reason for doing so.
If the operative has not left any means of food/heating to the public, they still specify why.
Service Information
The operative now specifies whether they wore breathing apparatus during the test.
If the operative has not worn any breathing apparatus, they can leave comments to specify why, and similarly so if for whatever reason there are comments regarding anything that has not been entered on the card previously
Then select the interruption category and the completed reason will always be completed if the test is completed.
Out of Standard
If any works undertaken is out of standard, or had to be done out of standard, this can be specified in this section.
A service is perpendicular if you are standing in line with the meter box/house entry where the main is in the footpath/road and the service connects within 1m either side of where you are standing. If it is more than 1 meter you left, it is ‘No – Left’.
This is explained further in Appendix 1.0 at the end of the article.
Then specify whether the line of service is straight or not (e.g. the service runs perpendicular from the mains, but bends around a tree, meaning the service is perpendicular, but the line of service is not straight).
The out of standard comments box will become non-mandatory if the service is perpendicular, and line of service, straight. This comments box is mainly to explain why the pipe would be out of standard if it is so.The regulation depth and smallest depth are fed from the Pipe Details entered previously in the form.
The smallest depth relates to the smallest pipe diameter, and the regulation depth is also fed from the pipe details depth. Regulation depth being ‘yes’ is any depth of cover above 450mm - so any service under this will be classed as shallow and will not be displayed as regulation depth.
If, for whatever reason the service is out of standard, please specify why.
Lastly, choose the date for the works’ completion
If your submission is complete now, change the form to Submit for Validation.
Dual Job Card
If you are testing a dual meter, the form will expand and cover all information needed for each meter. After entering the Date of Completion for the first meter, the next section will show a Dual Job Card.
Tip - If Dual Job Card is not there, check previous answers are correct.After this, the operative will once again fill out the information relevant, but this time relating to the second meter. They will be asked again for the Pipe Details, any Reinstatement, alternative heating/cooking arrangements, service information and anything out of standard.
For testing more than 2 meters (e.g. MOBs), the Riser/Rail details and the properties being fed by said Riser/Rail is sufficient.
Appendix 1.0
Appendix 2.0