Guide to Completing: CG015 - Mains Test

Project Details

The project details at the beginning of the form is used to identify the works associated with the form being completed.
Anything relating to an entity within Ctrl-Hub itself in the form's completion will then associate the form submission to said entity's submission area.

Select the Scheme and Street relevant to the works being carried out. Then enter the Work TypeArea. and SCO reference.

Tip - Any label in bold with a red asterisk is mandatory for completion.


Each form is separated into sections for ease of access to users. If, for example, you are only required to access a small part of a form for authorisation, or any other reason you can use the section navigation menu on the left-hand side of the form.

Pre-Test Check List

Complete the check list by ticking ‘Yes’, ‘No’ or ‘N/A’

If any 

of the answers are ‘No’, a new text field with ‘Explanation detail’ will appear. To be filled out with the relevant details as to why the setup is out of standard.

The Media Section is for additional attachments; whether uploading images to prove that the checks are done correctly, or to show why the operative has had to work out-of-standard.

Connection Location Details

This is usually from the start to the end of the mains pipe and refers to the connection at the beginning and end of the mains being tested.

Additional connection location details can be added, if the pipe is more complex, has bends, or additional connections.

Test Type

Drop-down choice whether performing an air or soap test. Usually air tested, but if testing a pipe under 10 metres, a soap test can be used as an alternative.

Pipe Work Details

To be completed with relevant information. LP is the only option for pressure, as mains test should only be performed under low pressure (350-385mbar).

If choosing ST (Steel) as a material, you will only have to give a diameter for the pipe (in inches).

If choosing PE (polyethylene, plastic) as a material, you will have to choose the pipe diameter (in mm) and give an SDR. The SDR options auto-generate based on the diameter, but sometimes an operative may have to choose the correct answer from the drop-down menu.

After this, enter the length of the mains pipe being tested, and the method of lay used.

This section also is repeatable, in the case that you must use multiple materials of pipe, or if there is a change of method laid, or diameter of pipe.

Tip - Remember to save to draft, to save progress so far.

Test Equipment

Checking the equipment’s calibration & calibration expiry dates and entering this as well as giving the specification of the gauge being used.

Initial Pressurisation

The name field defaults to the user who has opened the form but must be witnessed by somebody competent or management. If the operative completing the form is not competent, he/she should ask either a competent person, or their team leader or ops manager to sign off as a witness.

Test Commenced

Pressing start begins the timer for the mains test stabilisation. The stabilisation must take at least 10 minutes. 

Tip - Remember to save to draft, to save progress so far.

Saving along the way significantly reduces the risk of losing form progress (drafts can be accessed in the ‘My Form Submissions’ field of the dashboard)

If you try to press the end test button before the 10 minutes has passed, the form will prompt you to meet the minimum required 10 minutes.

If you press ‘Stabilisation End’ too early, that is okay. The form will give you an error, which tells you the test needs to take longer. If you click ‘Stabilisation End’ again, it will retake your test end time. This means if you accidentally clicked to end the test at 9:58, you can click again a few moments later and continue.

You can now start timers inside forms that can continue running if you leave the form submission. If you start a timer such as this ‘Stabilisation Test’ timer, and save the form into ‘Draft’, the timer will continue to run while you access other features within Ctrl-Hub.

If you need to make any changes anywhere else in the form while the timer is running, stop the timer before making the changes to minimise risk of information loss.

Other fields to complete in the Test Commenced section would include attaching an image of the Test Standpipe setup that clearly shows the Mains Sampling Point, Rubber Hose and Test Gauge.

This again, must be signed off by a competent person, team leader or ops manager.

Underneath the sign-off is ‘Time Period Required’, which after ending the stabilisation period, will give the amount of time needed for the mains test. The mains test takes different amounts of time depending on the information entered throughout the form (eg. length of pipe, diameter, gauge type, etc.).The Time Period Required is important for the next section.

Test Section

The operative confirms the amount of time specified, and whether the test is less or more than 2 hours in duration.

It is also the operative’s job to assess this time, to decide whether this seems like the correct amount of time for the procedure. If it seems shorter or longer than expected, please check the information entered prior is correct.
If the test duration is over 2 hours, the operative must complete the two additional fields for Barometric and Absolute pressure, to ensure the safety of the test. These pressures must be taken by a Druck-6 gauge, and this gauge is thus required for any test over 2 hours.

Fill out ‘Test Pressure’ with the starting mbar, and include a Pre-Start Test Photo, which should show that the pressure on the gauge is as specified in the previous field.

Again, similarly to stabilisation, the user begins a Start Test Timer, which logs the time to start the test. The user then clicks to end the test after their ‘Test Period (hours and minutes)’ matches the ‘Time Period Required’. Lastly, also similarly to stabilisation, if you do not meet the minimum time, you will be presented with an error and you will have to continue to wait until completion.

If you need to make any changes anywhere else in the form while the timer is running, stop the timer before making the changes. To minimise risk of information loss.

Then, after the test is completed, and the time period required is met, the operative either signs off the test as a competent person or authorisation is given by a competent person, team leader or ops manager.

If the test pressure is out of the safe range (350-385mbar), then you will be prompted with an error specifying that the pressure must be between 350 and 385mbar. This sign off is accompanied by another photograph of the gauge to evidence the lack of pressure change.

Upon completion of the test, the final test pressure should not be more than 3mbar more or less than the starting pressure, and the test must be restarted if it is.

If the test has failed, the ‘Test Result?’ option will only allow ‘Fail’ to be selected. If fail has been selected, then another field will appear for comments by the operative or form submitter as to why it could have failed (eg. pressure increased too greatly), whether they plan to retest immediately, or what action is to be taken before retesting.

Tip - If retesting, before continuing, remember to save to draft.

Saving along the way significantly reduces the risk of losing form progress (drafts can be accessed in the ‘My Form Submissions’ field of the dashboard).

If retesting immediately, the form submitter can click the blue plus icon to open a new Test section.

Upon passing the test, there is an optional comments box for anything additional to add, for example if the operative struggled with the test for whatever reason.

Test De-Pressurisation and Approval

Once the pipe has been de-pressurised, a competent person, team leader or ops manager again, authorises and timestamps when this took place. They then complete the final Approval section, stating that everything in the submission is correct and true.

If at any point, the information in the submission is invalid, or the tests do not meet the minimum specification, the approval will not be selectable. Instead, the user will receive an error stating what fields need to be revised.

Upon completion, changing Pending to Submit will submit the form for review by a back-office team.

Once the form has been moved to Completed, it will generate a Test Certificate Number.  This number is in two parts, the first will be the certificate count number and the second part will be the operatives EUSR number.

*Note* The Test Certificate Number will only generate when the form is completed.