Guide to Completing: CG011 - Purge and Relight
- Third Party Meter
- If ‘Yes’, this will open a new field Third Party Name - Select if known.
- If ‘No’, you can move to the next question.
- IGT Site (Independent Gas Transporter)?
- If ‘Yes’, this will open a new field, IGT Name - Enter the name if known.
- If ‘No’, you can move to the next question.
- Meter Location - Select the nearest location for the meter.
- Make & Model - Once you select the Make, the Model section will filter to those specific to the Make.
- Payment Type - Choose from the dropdown menu the payment type for the meter.
- Serial Number - Enter the serial number as shown on the face plate.
- Year - Enter the year from the face plate.
- Meter Type - Select the meter type from the list in the dropdown menu.
- Index - This is the meter reading number from the display.
- Meter Metric/Imperial - Select if the meter is metric or imperial (this can be found on the index).
- Meter Status - This is mandatory and will auto-populate to Live.
- Meter Condition - This is mandatory. Choose the condition of the meter when installed.
- Primary/Sub - Select if Primary or Sub.
- Bypass Fitted - Select Yes or No
- Make & Model - Once you select the Make, the Model section will filter to those specific to the Make.
- Is the Serial Number Present - Select Yes or No.
- Serial Number - Enter the serial number.
- Is Batch Number Present - Select Yes or No.
- Batch No. - Enter the batch number.
- Exchanged - Select Yes or No.
- JOC 1 - This will auto-populate to LCW-Non Chargeable Licence Condition Work, if different you can change to the most suitable option in the dropdown list.
- JOC 2 - This will auto-populate to ADO-Advice Only, if different you can change to the most suitable option in the dropdown list.
- JOC 3 - This will auto-populate to RIS-Regulator Inspected Satisfactory, if different you can change to the most suitable option in the dropdown list.
- Type of Work Carried out on Meter - Choose the appropriate work option from the list.
- Let-by-Test (mbar) - Enter the mbar number after the test, 7-10mbars will be acceptable.
- Let-by-Test Length (minutes) - Enter the minutes taken for the test.
- Stabilisation Test (mbar) - Enter the mbar number after the test, 7-10mbars will be acceptable.
- Stabilisation Test Length (minutes) - Enter the minutes taken for the test.
- Tightness Test (mbar) - Enter the mbar number after the test, 7-10mbars will be acceptable.
- Tightness Test Length (minutes) - Enter the minutes taken for the test.
- Leakage Rate (mbar) - Enter the mbar number (this is the same as pressure)
- Has Customer Smelt Gas? - Select Yes or No.
- Result - Select Passed or Failed.
- Pressure Info (mbars) SP - This can be between 19 and 23mbars as a guide. Temperature can affect it and can be over 23 at times.
- Pressure Info (mbars) WP - This can be between 19 and 23mbars as a guide. Temperature can affect it and can be over 23 at times.
- Final Tightness Carried Out - Select the most suited outcome from your finding.
- Pressure Drop - This is the same as Leakage Rate.
- Status of Supply - Select the best option from the dropdown list
- Has the meter been relocated to either a meter box or new position in the property? - Select Yes, No or No-meter bracket renewed.
- Pipework - Select Altered or Not Altered,
- If Altered, a new field will appear asking for Size Band and Pipework Length.
- Not Altered, move to the next question.
- Have you altered the X-Bonding (Earth Bonding) or applied EB125 (can be network specific) - Select Yes or No,
a. If yes, a new field will appear asking for Equipotential Bonding and enter any comments or description.
b. If No, move to the next question. - Is an Electrician Required? - Yes or No,
- If Yes, a new field will appear, Scope of Work to enter notes and also Customer Contact Details.
- Are there any appliances to Test? - Yes or No,
- If ‘Yes’ Appliance Details section will open below.
- If ‘No’ Move to the next section.
- Appliance Type - Select appliance eg “Cooker, Boiler… etc”
- Appliance Location - Select where in the property the appliance is located.
- Is Flue Satisfactory - Select Yes, No or N/A
- Is ventilation Satisfactory? - Select Yes, No or N/A
- Appliance Condition - Select the condition of the appliance from the dropdown menu.
- Disconnected - Is the appliance disconnected, select Yes or No.
- Visual Check and Relight Only - Select Yes or No.
- Dangerous Appliance Installation Label Attached - Select Yes or No.
- Details of work carried out - Free text box to leave notes of any work done and any comments or advice given.
- Left Alternative Cooking/Heating? - Select Yes or No,
- If Yes, a new field will appear asking for a reason for leaving and alternative, choose either Cadent Priority or OFGEM Priority.
- Customer Signature - Once all work has been completed, request the customer to sign, if they refuse write “refused”.
- Safety Notice Issued - Yes or No.
- RIDDOR - Yes or No
- Alleged Theft of Gas - Yes or No,
- If ‘Yes’, a new field will appear. Reason - Enter comments for allegation.
- Supplier Safety Check - Yes or No.
- Worked on Meter/Installation - This will pre-populate to Yes,
- If ‘Yes’, move to the next question.
- If ‘No’, a new field will appear. Reason - Enter comments.
- Cross Bonding Card - Yes or No.
- Rights of Entry (Regs) - Yes or No.
- Emergency Service Involved - Yes or No,
- If ‘Yes’, a new field will appear. Emergency Service Ref - enter the reference number given.
- If ‘No’, move to the next section
- Engineer Name - Will be identified as you from your log in.
- Engineer Number (EUSR) - Enter your number.
- Date Work Completed - Select date and time the job was completed.
Project Details
Top tip - After completing each section Save as Draft, so you can come back to it or if there is a connectivity issue you will not lose everything.
Job Information
Scheme Number - Select the scheme from the drop-down menu.
Work Order - Select the street that you will be working.
Property - Here you will select the house number or name, if it is not there you will need a separate form ‘CG033 - Property Required’. - The PSR details of the property selected will populate based on the property PSR
Work Type - Select the type of work you will be doing.
Is Property Rented - Select Yes or No,
a. If ‘Yes’ a new field will appear for the landlord details, if they are not known enter ‘Unknown’.
b. If ‘No’ move to the next question.
Meter - This will be based on the SRO of the meter
Tip - Remember to save to draft, to save progress so far.
Arrival Information
Date & Time - This is the time when you arrived at the property.
Job Type - Select your job type that you will be completing, this will change the information required further down (for most this will be Purge & Relight) if you select anything else, this will hide most sections. If no one is home, select ‘No Access’
Worked on Meter/Installation - Select Yes or No.
Type of Work Carried out on Meter - This will auto-populate to ‘Work on Existing Meter’. If anything else this can be changed.
Tip - Remember to save to draft, to save progress so far.
Arrival Pictures
This is a repeatable section, each of these are for one hole. If you need more holes or images to add, click the + button at the bottom.
Time Arrived - This is the time you arrived at the property.
Arrival Picture - Upload a clear image of the meter on arrival. Also include an image of the pipe work and meter, and a picture of the face plate. If there is no access, a picture of the property being carded can be added. You can save the image to your device before uploading.
Arrival Pictures Comments - Enter any comments here or N/A, including if no access and the property was carded. Also include any property damage that you feel the customer may call in about.
Picture Status - Choose the appropriate response from the menu.
If you need to add extra details press the + button, if pressed in error where it says the box number click the X on the right side to remove.
Tip - Remember to save to draft, to save progress so far.
Exchange Meter Details
Information would be based on the new meter installed or exchanged. If you are working on an existing meter most fields will not be required and will not display.
Any section with a red asterisk (*) is a mandatory field and needs to be completed, remaining fields are optional.
Tip - Remember to save to draft, to save progress so far.
Governor Details
Any section with a red asterisk (*) is a mandatory field and needs to be completed before moving on.
Tip - Remember to save to draft, to save progress so far.
Tightness Details
Tip - Remember to save to draft, to save progress so far.
Pipework / Equipotential
Tip - Remember to save to draft, to save progress so far.
Appliance Details
This is a repeatable section, each of these are for one hole. If you need more holes or images to add, click the + button at the bottom.
If you need to add extra details press the + button, if pressed in error where it says the box number click the X on the right side to remove.
Tip - Remember to save to draft, to save progress so far.
Alternative Cooking / Heating
Customer Signature
Report Incident
Tip - Remember to save to draft, to save progress so far.
Completion Details
Once completed, submit and save.